I now pronounce this blog to be opened!

Here it is! My very first blog post!

How exiting!

Somebody reading this already?



Well, I’ll get started anyway!

This is going to be my blog, on living life the golden way.

Where does this come from you ask? I’ll tell you in a minute!

But first, let me introduce myself.
I’m Seija, a 20 something girl, trying to start up in life. And let me tell you, it can be a struggle sometimes. But there is this one thing that can always get my spirits up…

My dog!

If you have a dog, I’m sure you recognize this.

Imagine, you had this really exhausting day, you are in the worst mood and just want to get home, sit down and don’t talk to anyone all evening.

But then you open the door, and there it is. All happy, wagging tales, smiley face,…  your dog.

Always ready to lift up your mood. Always ready to go outside and enjoy life.

And that is exactly what I mean with living life the golden way. Living life like a golden retriever does. Always positive, always ready to explore the world, and always super exited about the little things in life.


And that’s exactly what I want to do!


On this blog you will read a lot about dogs. How to’s, experiences, adventures and our every day life together.

But also my own everyday life, as a 20 something. My sewing projects, the books I read, school, thoughts and idea’s.

I will bring you along during the ups and downs of life. During figuring out how to live on my own and how to be my own person. During our fun adventures, camping trips and rainy weekends. During lessons learned and advise taken. Success and failure. Happy and sad.
In short, during life.

And I really hope to see you reading along with us!

Don’t forget to live life the golden way!


4 thoughts on “I now pronounce this blog to be opened!

  1. Tails Around the Ranch says:

    Hi Seija…welcome to Blogville! And thank you for swinging by the Ranch and for the follow. We ❤︎ visitors especially new members to this amazing community of pet lovers! Best wishes as you embark on this endeavor.


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